Thursday, June 2, 2011

September 8, 1996 • Part I • Drugs

Dear Diary,

It is now the end of summer and I have been very remiss in my duties to write in you every day. Please excuse me which I know you will do since you're an inanimate object under my control.

The reason for my sudden burst of ink upon your pages is a # of things.

School has started and we have a teacher which strongly reminds me by his actions and words of the actor my father calls Richard Goldbloom. I don't think that is completely correct. [I remember this teacher. A mishmash of Richard Gere in Pretty Woman & Jeff Goldbloom in Earth Girls are Easy.]

"I have also had a turn around in two friendships. "

With Joe I have decided to just be friends though I haven't told him this. He has given me permission to write to him over the winter.

The second is with T.

Thursday I asked her if she was really going to do acid over the weekend and found that she was.

I have been worrying over her for the past year or more about her pot marijuana problem and have made my feelings clear to her and so now I have informed her that we are still friends but I do not want to talk to her or be with her until she has taken care of her problem because I can't stand worrying about her anymore and because what every I say to her seemingly has no effect on her.

I miss talking to her very much but I'm not going back on my word and will not call her until she is straight.

Grownup Ann says,

Joe's family owned a summer home by us, so he was my boy of summer. I wrote to him over the winter but he never corresponded back. Perhaps because I teased him mercilessly in those letters.

T and I were friends "across the tracks" and I was the epitome of a goody two shoes. Not so much any more.

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