Thursday, May 26, 2011

August 6, 1995 • Dreaming in Color

Dear Creature,

"I have decided to start a catalog of my dreams."

The night of August 5, 1995:

Mom and I were sailing in the boat in the winter in between the 2 piers going out to the lake.

We had up the main sail and were both dressed in light colors, white - because I didn't distinguish any other colors like pink or lavender.

We were alone and the channel was full of ice. There was only one clear path through it.

Out on the water with us was another smaller red sail boat, red hull and sail with a white line around the top edge. I say this because I remember that the boat wasn't all red. It had a break in the color with a white mast also.

The red boat was racing us to the open space in the channel and mom yelled, to who I don't remember, to watch out for the ice with rocks.

The next thing I remember is that the red sailboat is on land and I am next to it. I don't know where our boat is but I see a shore and try to get to it (wait, I think I was on the red sail boat because there was water in between me and the shore.)

I saw that I could see the sand all the way to the shore lined with cattails. I don't think it is very deep so I step into the water. It is deeper than I thought but not too deep.

I walk to the shore and am walking through the trees when I see a sprite or a pixie, purple wings, that looks lost or scared. I wake up. The cattails were brown and green.

Grownup Ann says,

Sailing was not relaxing as a child, it is now though.

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